Guest Talk Tyler Zoanni:
The Work of Appearances
08.05.2023 at 18:15
Prof. Dr. Tyler Zoanni (University of Bremen):
The Work of Appearances: Disability, Visibility, and Christianity in Uganda
Drawing on fieldwork on disability and Christianity in Uganda, the talk considers relations between the visible—what appears—and the political. Taking a disabled women’s wish to be photographed as a point of departure, the talk traces her theory of the image and its basis in a prevailing social aesthetics in central Uganda. The paper considers the political work of appearances in two Christian charities, with a particular focus on ritual and social media. The paper further demonstrates that what are framed as radical claims about assembly, presence, and the sensible within a North Atlantic philosophical tradition are merely commonsensical in a place like Uganda. Without assuming appearance is inherently redemptive, the paper ultimately argues for the existential and political stakes of appearing in a world which is apparently common.
When? Monday, May 8, 18:15
Where? Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology,
Oettingenstraße 67, 80538 Munich
Room L155
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In the summer term 2023 Prof. Dr. Sahana Udupa has compiled an interesting programme (93 KB) for this lecture series. More information on guest talks, lectures and further acitivities at Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology you will find in our archive.