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Guest Talk Frank Korom

Malinowski's Formative Contribution to Anthropological Performance Studies

17.07.2023 at 18:15 

Prof. Dr. Frank Korom (Boston University and University of Heidelberg):

Malinowski's Formative Contribution to Anthropological Performance Studies


Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) was a formative force in the development of functionalist theory in the discipline of anthropology. Based on intensive fieldwork in the Trobriands, his pragmatic theory stimulated much discussion and debate in anthropological circles. Lesser known is the influence that Malinowski had on the development of modern performance studies in the United States. My paper focuses on Malinowski’s writings concerning the language of myth and magic, since that is the dimension of his work that appealed most to American scholars of performance in the 1970s.

When?      Monday, July 17, 18:15
Where?     Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology,
                 Oettingenstraße 67, 80538 Munich
                 Room L155

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In the summer term 2023 Prof. Dr. Sahana Udupa has compiled an interesting programme (93 KB) for this lecture series. More information on guest talks, lectures and further acitivities at Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology you will find in our archive.