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Guest Lecture Jaime Flores Chávez

Photographs of the Mapuche

06.02.2024 at 18:00 


Photographs of the Mapuche: Capuchin and Anglican missionaries in Araucanía in the late 19th and early 20th century

During the second half of the 19th century, a global process of expansion of national borders began. In America, this can be seen, for example, in the expansion to the American West and to the extreme south of the continent. In the latter case, the states of Argentina and Chile undertook an intense and violent advance on indigenous lands, which became known as the "Desert Campaign" and the "Pacification of Araucanía", respectively. This presentation seeks to give an account of the missionary action deployed in Chile, particularly in the "Pacification of Araucania". Bavarian Capuchin missionaries and also Anglican missionaries acted there with the aim of civilizing, evangelizing and Chileanizing the indigenous people. Based on a photographic corpus from various public and private archives, it is possible to "observe" the action developed by the missionaries on the Mapuche. In our proposal, the iconographic study is complemented by the use of written sources, enabling a dialogue between documents of different nature and origin. In this way, we seek to make the analysis more complex, while at the same time advancing appropriate methodologies for the study of this type of historical process.

Jaime Flores Chávez studied at the University of Santiago de Chile and got his PhD from the University of Seville. He is currently affiliated with the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco, Chile. His research and teaching focus on the history of Chile and Araucanía in the 19th and 20th century.

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Jaime Flores Chávez
Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile

Tuesday, February 6 2024, 6 pm
Hybrid format: Oettingenstr. 67, room 131 AND via Zoom (Request link via
Language: Spanish

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