Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich
Dissertation Project:
#ViralEnvironmentalism - Digital Landscapes of Environmental Activism Fridays for Future and Beyond
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr
Mariana Arjona Soberón studied sociocultural anthropology at Yale University in the USA, followed by an interdisciplinary master's degree in environmental sciences at the University of Cologne. She was born and raised in Mexico and has been touring the world through academia. Her research focus lies on the interactions between digital media, environmental understandings, power, speech, and activism. The working title of her dissertation is "#ViralEnvironmentalism—Digital Landscapes of Environmental Activism, Fridays for Future and Beyond." She is currently looking at the Fridays for Future movement in Mexico in the hopes of learning a thing or two. She has over five years of experience in international cooperation projects in higher education. Mariana is the academic manager of the International Master of Environmental Sciences at the University of Cologne where she also lectures on Environmental Communication and Storytelling.
Research Interests
- Environment and Culture
- Social Movements and Activism
- Storytelling
- Gender and Sexuality
- Environmental Justice
- Visual Ethnography
- Digital Ethnography
- Education
Regional Focus Areas:
- Mexico
- Latin America
- SoSe 2020: Universität zu Köln- Seminar-Environmental Communication II
- SoSe 2020: Guest Lecture- LMU- Forschungsvorbereitungsseminar- Digital Ethnography
- SoSe 2020: Guest Lecture- Environment and Knowledge: An Ethnographic Exploration- Session on Activism
- WiSe 2019-20: Universität zu Köln- Seminar- Environmental Communication
- WiSe 26.02.-09.03.2020: BVIEER- Anthropological Research Methods and Guided Fieldwork- Pune and Pench Tiger Reserve, India
- 30.05.2020: University of Washington Pandemic Urbanism Symposium- Presenter A1: Politics, Engagement & Activism- “Environmental Activism in Times of Covid-19 & Finding Ethnographic Pathways to Study It”
- 18.11.2019: Rachel Carson Center - Doktorandentag
- Reuter, Arjona Soberón (2018). “Beyond Access: Supporting Refugee Students for Academic Success in HEIs in Europe”. Universität zu Köln. European Commission- Migrant Integration and Good Practices.
- Arjona Soberón, Reuter, Chibuzor (2017). “Accessing Higher Education in Europe: Challenges for Refugee Students & Strategies to Overcome Them”. Universität zu Köln. European Commission- Migrant Integration and Good Practices.