Refugee Scholars Forum & German Conversation
The Department offers an open platform for all students and refugees with academic background in Munich to participate in language tandems and to promote the intercultural exchange. The first meeting is on October 23, at 4 pm.
23.10.2017 – 29.01.2018
Do you wish to improve your German language skills with a tandem partner and/or teach your own mother tongue to university students? Are you interested in establishing contacts to university students of the LMU and exchange your own personal and cultural experience in Germany? Would you like to get better access to the university environment and find possibilities to continue your academic work in Munich?
The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology LMU offers an open platform for refugees and students in Munich. It is an open space in which the participants mutually benefit through personal and intercultural exchange. You can improve your language skills, participate in excursions and present or listen to academic lectures.
We are open for academics as well as non-academics with all language levels. Please come and join in for the forum and conversations!
When? Mondays 4-6 pm
23.10. language-tandem
30.10. language-tandem
06.11. excursion/lecture*
13.11. language-tandem
20.11. language-tandem
27.11. excursion/lecture*
04.12. language-tandem
11.12. language-tandem
18.12. excursion/lecture*
08.01. language-tandem
15.01. language-tandem
22.01. excursion/lecture*
29.01. language-tandem
*in agreement with the participants
Where? Room 165, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oettingenstraße 67, 80538 München
(Tram 18, Bus 154/54/150, stop Hirschauerstraße/Tivolistraße), plan of site
Charges for public transport (MVV) can be refunded upon prior request.
For further information or to propose a presentation please contact:
Dr. Juliane Müller, Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180-9629 or Anna-Maria Walter, Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180-9609
Program to download
- Flyer Refugee Scholars Forum (140 KByte)